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Nesting mama! šŸ£

Do you have the desire to scrub your floors, organize babyā€™s dresser and make sure the house šŸ  is super clean for like the ā€¦ šŸ”Ÿth time, then you might be nesting.

Yes, nesting mama! šŸ£

Nesting means that youā€™re preparing your home šŸ˜ļø for your babyā€™s arrival. This is very common, especially during your last trimester in pregnancy. Some women start to:


šŸ”¹Organize their whole house

šŸ”¹Developing birth plans


According to research, nesting happens because of human behavior/instinct to prepare for and protect your unborn baby. Nesting takes control of your and your babyā€™s environment.

The most common time to nest is usually the few last weeks before delivery. However you can also experience it any time during your whole pregnancy šŸ¤°, your postpartum period or not at all.

Does nesting sound familiar to you, mama?


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