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My breastmilk changed its color

This is so fascinating šŸ˜

Your breastmilk šŸ¼ can change into different colors and it's totally fine šŸ‘Œ

So why can breastmilk be a different color from one day to the next?

Breastmilk does not always look the same because it changes constantly in its nutritional composition.

Your milk is also constantly changing to meet your baby's needs. As your baby šŸ‘¶šŸ¼ keeps developing, so will your milk!

So if you see an unusual color in your milk, most of the time this is because of something you eat šŸ„¦šŸ“šŸ‰

For example, food dyes in foods or drinks can change the color of breastmilk. It may be thin and watery looking and may have a blue šŸ’™ or yellow šŸ’› tint to it. It can even take on a hint of green šŸ’š if large amounts of green-colored foods are consumed.

The color of the milk is usually not anything to be concerned about!

Did your breastmilk ever change color?



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