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Breastmilk Storage Breast Pump Bottles (4 Count)
These breast pump bottles can be directly pumped into using the Signature Pro, Smartpump, Smartpump2.0, or Manual Breast Pump. You can also transfer milk from any breastmilk storage container or bag, pump bottle, or breastmilk collector. Each milk storage container can safely store breastmilk in the freezer or fridge for later feeding to baby.
Lansinoh has been helping moms and babies get a good start to their new lives for over 35 years. We offer a variety of breastfeeding essentials including Lansinoh lanolin nipple cream, Lansinoh disposable nursing pads, washable nursing pads, Lansinoh breastmilk storage bags, manual and double electric breast pumps, nipple shields, plastic and glass baby bottles, nipple cream for breastfeeding organic, and other therapy products.
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